BNCAC will not be called as personal ministries because it is a community formed by different Bhutanese-Nepalese churches of Canada, not by a single church or by one person.


BNCAC will not rule any pastors and their churches, but we will work with one another in love to fulfill the vision of our LORD.


BNCAC will not Judge any churches, their pastor, their teachings, their worship styles. BNCAC is to care, to Love, to support, to encourage, to uplift the Body of Christ.


BNCAC will not condemn and to punish any church, their pastor, their believers but to be a strength in the time of weakness.


BNCAC will not focus on personal matters, personal issues. BNCAC will focus generally, publicly to fulfil the vision of the LORD.


BNCAC will not interfere any church’s decision, their private matters. BNCAC is to support and to encourage in every good works.


BNCAC will not make any rules and regulations for any Churches, generally it will help churches to grow in knowledge, wisdom, Love and in the word and spirit of God.


BNCAC will not focus on judgement, punishment and to criticism but will focus on Love, Unity, Forgiveness, Care etc.


BNCAC will support every Church’s vision for the LORD, in Love, unity and with Respect.


BNCAC will not recognize a pastor and his church moving forward, if he forms a church by splitting (manipulating the believers and hurting fellow pastors) from the church where he belongs. BNCAC stands for the unity, so it strongly discourages the division of church.